33 - 19.12.2009 - 23:00
Wlad писал DAB - Италия, Wilo - Германия, Grundfos как попадется, однако китайских циркуляционников пока не видел, так что все рассуждения о китайской сущности и коленке дядюшки Ляо спускаем в канализацию... --------------------------- Ты наивен или коварен ? О китайской сущности европейских производителей DAB - Италия, From the 13th October 2006 there is also a new member in DABfamily, Qingdao factory in China. источник http://www.dabpumps.com/wps/portal/!ut/p/kcxml/04_Sj9SPykssy0xPLMnMz0vM0Y_Q jzKLN4o38nACSYGYxqb6kShCBvGOCJEgfW99X4_83FT9AP2C3NCIckdHRQB5eLwn/delta/base 64xml/L3dJdyEvd0ZNQUFzQUMvNElVRS82XzJfUDM! Wilo - Германия Employees: Germany: average of 1.892 in 2008 World-wide: average of 6.024 in 2008 Manufacturing companies: WILO SE, Dortmund WILO EMU GmbHб Hof (Germany) WILO EMU Anlagenbau GmbH, Roth (Germany) Pompes Salmson S.A.S., France WILO Intec S.A.S., France WILO Pumps Ltd., Limerick/Ireland WILO Pumps Ltd., Korea WILO China Ltd., China WILO ELEC CO. Ltd., China Mather & Platt Pumps Ltd., India Circulating Pumps Ltd., UK источник http://www.wilo.com/cps/rde/xbcr/en/WILO_SE_company_factsheet.pdf Grundfos Today, the Group owns manufacturing companies in the following countries: Brazil, Denmark, Finland, France, India, Italy, China, Korea, Mexico, Russia, Switzerland, Singapore, the UK, Taiwan, Germany, Hungary and the US. In addition, we have a large number of local assemblies around the world. источник, стр 17 http://www.grundfos.com/web/grfosweb.nsf/Grafikopslag/annualreport08/$file/ annualreport2008_UK_low.pdf